Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sunday Night Live --- Mass and Holy Hour, with Father Gordon MacRae

Father Gordon MacRae:  

~ A Catholic Priest Unjustly Accused, Refusing to Cop a Plea. 

Father MacRae has been imprisoned for eighteen years due to his refusal to "cooperate" in the settlement-making process as Father's attorneys have "suggested."

Father MacRae celebrates Mass in his prison cell between 11 pm and midnight Eastern Daylight Time  -- which will be 10 to 11 pm, for those of us in the Midwest.

This would be a good time to stop and pray --- assuming you're up that late?

Which I may not be tonight. I was stranded downtown last night. Could not get to any place to sleep until after 1 a.m.

Click here for a link to prayer and other resources pertaining to Sunday pm Mass with Father MacRae.

Catholic June

We have had a rather Catholic month lately, here in June --- thank heavens.

We need more of those. Well, actually, each day is Catholic, right?

Saints Peter and Paul , June 29th

St. Paul must be the one with the book?
Today is the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul. I attended the vigil Mass last night, because it was the first ever Mass celebrated by one of our two new priests! The other new priest also celebrated a first ever Mass, but it was in a city I cannot travel to because I can only use the city bus. (Thank Heavens!)

Monsignor's homily compared Sts. Peter and Paul to Romulus and Remus. He said Romulus and Remus founded the Roman Empire --- or secular Rome.

Then, he also said that Sts. Peter and Paul (another pair) were martyrs whose blood founded the Church in Rome. (Assuming I even understood the homily well enough.)Read the Printed Word!

Catholic, devotion, Sacred Heart, First Friday of the month.
A very auspicious beginning
 for a new priest.

Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, June 27th

That new priest, who celebrated his first Mass last night?

Well, he was ordained on Friday, June 27th.

I found the above picture on this website.

Of course, the First Friday devotion of each month is also a devotion to the Sacred Heart.

Corpus Christi Procession

Well, that was a bit of a tough one. I'm old, overweight, and have high blood pressure. My city is very humid, and it was in the 80's temperature-wise.

Yet, so is my bishop, and he had many more layers on than I did ---- plus, no water bottle :-(

Everybody was okay. I started to feel a little dizzy. Our bishop stuck it out all the way through, as well --- We had a stop with a homily before marching on to our second church, where our bishop said Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

A  wonderful and beautiful Catholic tradition. Many cities do not have such a procession.

The Nativity of St. John the Baptist, June 24 this year

Our parish priest points out that there is a certain poetic beauty in that St. John was born in June, just six months before the day that we celebrate as Our Lord's birth. (Although we don't really know when Our Lord was born.)

Elizabeth would have been in her second trimester, when the Blessed Mother was in her first, right after the Annunciation. 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wednesday, June 25, 2014 - "Roman Catholic *WHAT*?"

Making it All Up

I was at the computer keyboard, trying to click on those photos of celebrities without makeup, when an even uglier headline caught my eye. Something about the first female bishop in some state. Maybe Indiana?

Okay, well,  so what? Protestants seem to also have bishops, some of whom seem to have been female. Not that I've been keeping up or anything.

Then, the words, "Roman Catholic," leapt out.

Oh, another one of  those stories. Journalists love those, don't they?

I think journalists love to fantasize about the gates of Hell prevailing against Holy Mother Church. Then, anything would be permissible ---

The article explained that the only catch was that this bishop is not "officially recognized by the Roman Catholic Church."

Well, that is quite a catch. Some might call it a whopper.
Is something fishy around here?
(Other than the lack of PhotoShop skills?)

And, it's quite a tale to tell.

Here's a funny quote from the website of the folks who claim to have ordained a female bishop, as well as female "priests":
"Roman Catholic Womenpriests are at the forefront of a model of service that offers Catholics a renewed priestly ministry in vibrant grassroots communities where all are equal and all are welcome." [I won't be including any link to this website, but it's not difficult to find.]

A Problematic Paragraph

Where do I begin?

They claim to be "at the forefront." Yet, how could that be, when the priesthood has been around for two thousand years.

Oh, okay, they don't claim to be at the forefront of history. Just at the forefront of "a model of service . . . "

What might that "model of service" be? Apparently something that "offers Catholics a renewed priestly ministry." Well, what if Catholics are already happy with the priestly ministry as it is now?

Oh, I see, the ministry we have now is apparently not welcoming or equalizing? --- According to these gals.

Perhaps because it does not take place "in vibrant grassroots communities . . ." characterized by the aforementioned equality and welcome.

But, didn't they just say it "offers Catholics a . . . ministry?"

So, that wouldn't be welcoming to "all," then, right, because it's only for Catholics? It's really quite a conundrum.

As Well as a Perplexing Paradigm

They claim to already be Roman Catholic. But, they actually aren't because they have chosen to disobey the teachings of the Magisterium. Which puts them outside of  a state of grace. Roman Catholics not in a state of grace are excommunicated until they go back to Confession. That was always my understanding.

Saturday, June 7, 2014


June 6, 2014

Today is the 70th anniversary of D-Day, June 6, 1944.

It is also First Friday in June. First Friday is a special devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Here is a website that will keep track of your First Friday Devotions. They log your progress and send you reminders when First Friday is near. It’s completely free.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

It's easier for a blog to find a home than an old lady.

I have been looking for a new home for my blog.

Lilies of the Valley, et al.
I've sort of given up --- for the time being, at least --- looking for a new home for myself, though. I will say why a little later.

WordPress seems to have a very steep learning curve. It is going to really take a very long time for me to develop any proficiency with WordPress, I can tell.

I probably will have to be back at Weebly for a while. At least I know how Weebly works, and it's pretty simple. Some tech reviewers, like Brandon Widder,Brandon Widder, at Digital Trends and Jill DuffyJill Duffy, at PC mag onlineJill Duffy. at PC mag online have written that Weebly is sort of limited, but, you know, what do I care about "limited" when I don't even know what all that fancy stuff is? And might not want or need to use it

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Will my blog (or I?) get a new home?

Sidewalk paradise.

I've been complaining about tech problems with my blog here on Blogger dot com, so I'm trying out some new blogsites.

I have not decided what to do yet, or where to go.

I already have some other sites on Weebly. That might be simplest of all?

So, for now, my blog is homeless, like me.

Meanwhile, I offer some beauty, by which I mean the photo on the right -->

I also include a link to a blog post by Joseph Sciambra, former porn actor. Joseph is a faithful, practicing Catholic now.

Joseph Sciambra offers some advice for porn addicts.