My new blog is at this address.
I don't know how long I will keep it. I'm a little disillusioned with a couple of things already.
Tech things.
(For one, the time stamp is in the future.)
However, I really love the very cool psychedelic graphics. I hope it makes people happy just to look at it? Well, that's what it does for me.
But I'm an old wannabe hippie.
In the '60's, it was way too expensive to be a real hippie.
I have been homeless since November of 2010. I consider myself blessed that I can sleep indoors, unlike many of my homeless friends, who have to spend nights outside, in all kinds of weather. I returned to my Catholic faith in 2005, after an absence of thirty years. Before that, I had already had an absence of about ten years. I tried to return to Holy Mother Church, but it didn't "take." Things were very strange in the '70's.